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Edited by: Tammy Swagerty (Ducking Viking Queen)

Name: Santa Claus

Meet Me Name: Santa Claus

Meet Me Favorite Link:

Unique ID: QSK8E774

Website URL:

Let’s start off with you make alot of people smile when they see you. Who you are? We know you are Santa, but who are you? Why do you do what you do for streaming?

Yes, most people know me as Santa Claus, Kris Kringle, Papai Noel, Dun Che Lao Ren, Père Noël, etc.... However my real name is Michael Todd. I'm an actor and an entertainer. As a character actor, I decided to join MeetMe to watch streamers from another world, and to help develop different character traits for my various acting roles. Basically, to be a "people watcher." As I forged friendships with some of these amazing streamers on the app, they all convinced me to stream. So I put on the 'ole Santa suit and began streaming as a "character" on the app. VERY, VERY seldom do I stream as just Michael Todd lol.

You know it’s not Christmas right? I mean, Santa DOES have a life on off days =) What do you do during your spare time outside of being santa what is your hobbies?

I'm also a professional cosplayer! So I'm actively involved in the ComicCon, and convention scenes. I travel to conventions all over, however not as Santa, but as Dr. John Hammond, the founder of Jurassic Park. I also love the outdoors, riding my motorcycle, and anything in or around water.

I love Christmas time. It is my favorite time of the year. Do you spend it with family? How do you and Mrs. Claus spend Christmas together before you deliver all those presents?

Sadly, there is NOT a Mrs. Claus. (Caught her sleeping with some of the elves. So she's gone now! LOL). However, I do hope to find a new "Mrs. Claus" before Christmas this year, hehe. Christmas is usually spent with family. Including my daughter, and three beautiful grandchildren.

Have you ever streamed on any other platform other than Meet Me? How was your first experience going live like? Have you had any negativity come your way?

MeetMe has been the only streaming platform I've done. My first experience was VERY scary and not very fun. However last Christmas, I quickly gained popularity on the app as Santa. I have almost 1000 followers now! I have sadly had some negative experiences streaming. Sadly, not everyone believes in Santa, so the "haters" tend to hop in and bash Santa, and the Christmas spirit. But the positive side is that so many who quit believing, suddenly believe once again when I hop into their box and see that I am REAL!

The government tracks your moves during Christmas delivery of presents, how do you feel about that and did you give them permission to track your every move?

They THINK they are tracking my movements hehe. I have some of the BEST computer programmers and tech guru's working here at the North Pole, and they have developed software that allows my sleigh to project false GPS location readings to all incoming scans. So when I'm flying over Europe, agencies may see a blip on their radar over South America!

How many days off does the elves get and your other workers get, or do they work year around to make sure Christmas is running smoothly we all know they need to rest right?

After Christmas, me and the entire staff take a month or two to rest and sleep. Then it's summer vacation! Beginning the first of September we are back to full production, making all the neat toys and gadgets that will be Christmas gifts to all the children of the world.

Is your naughty and nice list really big? Do they get chances to get off the list and be switched? How hard is it to keep track of it and what do you use to keep track of it?

The Naughty List is always HUGE! But it's not always a bad thing. I don't often share this, but Santa always has a special place in his heart for the naughty kids hehe. After all, aren't we ALL a bit naughty?

Are you going to try to get your top badge? I know it’s a long road for anyone to try to achieve it.

I have no intentions on being a top badge. I merely enjoy entertaining people, and bringing joy to the lives of others. Besides, my schedule would never allow me to devote that much time to streaming. As an actor my schedule is often chaotic.

Can you give new streamers any tips to help those who are struggling?

The best advice I can give is NEVER GIVE UP! Don't be discouraged when only a handful of people are in your live stream! Make friends with some of the popular streamers and top badges. They can help you build a fan base. Also, be different! Be unique! Stand out among the others!

Is there anything else you would like to say to your viewers and kids across the world?

I want to say a huge THANK YOU for all the love my viewers show me! It can be hard work streaming and entertaining, but when you get the love I get from amazing people, it's sooooo worth it!

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