Search Interviews


Name: Meet Me - Danie

Meet Me Name: Meet Me - Danie

Meet Me Favorite Link:

Unique ID: QMJVP35R

Danie, Thank you for taking the time to fill out these questions. I hope that they help you get viewers, and your viewers get to know you better.

Danie, who are you and what makes you the person you are today?

Im just a girl in Idaho. I love getting to know new people and I’m a live streamer on the meetme app. 

What do you like to do for fun, and what are your hobbies?

Theres a lot! I really enjoy trivia, geography, summer outdoor activities, cooking, tv shows and music. My fav possessions are my 2 adorable, long haired, white cats: Arctic & Peaches. 

What are your themes of your lives? How do you attract people to your live?

My stream is a work in progress but there’s definitely those moments of laughter and fun. I make sure to really involve everyone that comments, thank people for their input/gifts, and ask or answer any questions. I love how it’s never the same stream twice. 

How long have you been on Meet Me, and what are your goals of being on the APP?

I’ve been using meetme prior to them adding the Live feature so at least 3 years. I went live back in June 2018 for my first time. I was hooked! I’ve met quite a few people in person and hope to meet more too. The app helps me deal with feeling lonely or bored. For me, it’s been a great tool for those things. 

Have you met anyone from the app? How was your experience?

A few years ago I met a girl that became my roommate for about a year. She was also in my first ever live stream. Unfortunately she doesn’t use the app anymore. I’ve met a couple others including a few dates. But we won’t talk about them lol. 

Do you have any tips for streamers who might be struggling to meet their goals?

Yes. The app is more intricate and dynamic than it first appears. Join other streams and get ideas. You don’t have to copy them but it can be a way to expand your own creativity. Don’t ever be fake cause people see through that. Make your stream fun and you can evenoffer something in return to give back to the gifters. 

Do you have anything that you would like to mention that I might have missed?

Thank you for doing what you do, I appreciate the chance to be up here on the website. If your reading this, please go to the meetme app, find me and favorite me! 

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Name: Meet Me - SilverFoxTruckStop

Meet Me Name: Meet Me - SilverFoxTruckStop

Meet Me Favorite Link:

Unique ID: 8AS3OHMS

What does your name mean? Is there a story behind it?

Me and a friend of mine from this app were trying to come up with something and this is the outcome of that. I am not really a truck stop owner haha.

What are your hobbies, what do you like to do for fun?

A few of the things I enjoy doing are hiking, weight lifting, deer hunting, and hanging out with friends. Recently I took up live streaming and have learned how to fit it into my schedule. Sometimes I take my stream on a hike or other places with me.

How long have you been streaming for?

One of my friends told me about meetMe and live streaming. I was hooked from the start. Steaming is so cool because you get to meet so many people with different perspectives on life.

What are your Meet Me goals?

My Meet Me goals are to continue meeting new people and eventually become a top streamer.

What are your goals in real life (off this app)?

A couple of my life goals are to finish school and to eventually have a family one day. I love to travel and would like to see different parts of the world I have not seen yet.

Have you met anyone off the app? How was that experience?

I have not met anyone in person off this app yet, but I am not apposed to it if they seem like a good person.

Do you have any tips for new and struggling streams that might have a hard time making their goal?

Whatever your goal is just work hard at it. Socialize and stay persistent!

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Name: Meet Me - Doc

Meet Me Name: Meet Me - Doc

Meet Me Favorite Link:

Unique ID: B9EW2HQS

Who is Doc, and what makes you the person you are today?

I have been described as kind, honest, blunt, and lovable all in the same package. Either you love me or hate me. I have been molded into who I am today by my life experiences. 

What do you do for fun, what are your hobbies?

What is fun? I work too much for any of this. In my spare time, I spend a lot of time traveling. I have filled an entire passport with different locations. My hobbies are varied from fishing, boating, camping, or streaming on MeetMe. I have also served on many Town Committees representing Affordable Housing, renovating a Skate Park for teens, and serving on the Board of Health. 

When you stream, have you streamed on any other platforms?

I have streamed on UpLive in the past, but never really enjoyed it much. MeetMe has retained my attention in the long run.

Do you have any talents you would like to share with us?

My talents are medical knowledge, leadership, public speaking, and strategic thinking to name a few. I am extremely professional if you meet me in person. When you come across me on MeetMe, I get to release myself from that life, and just have fun for a change 

Do you have any tips for new streamers that you might want to give that might be having a tough time reaching their goal?

Do not ask for diamonds! Mentioning your goal, and striving to reach it is a fantastic thing. Focus on your content! I spent a while as a VIP on MeetMe and experienced the negative aspects of that life. Follow people based on content, and don't focus on looks. If you can be anything in the world, be kind.

Is there anything else that you might want to mention in the article that I might have missed?

I can't think of anything that may have been missed, but if you'd like to know more, feel free to join my stream and ask.

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Name: Meet Me - Kerri

Meet Me Name: Meet Me - Kerri

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Check out my fave - 🌜Kerri 🔮Spiritual🌛 is live on MeetMe. Are you going to tune in?

Unique ID: ZW2PV3OL

Website URL:

Who is Keri, and what makes you the person you are today?

The experiences I have gone through in my life. I have nomaded for 10 yrs now just moving new a new place every yr roughly.

What does your name mean? Is there a story behind it?

My name means mysterious and secretive. I was gonna be named after my mother Sherri but my mom said my sister already had a name from the family. So my father decided to pick a name that was similar.

What are your hobbies, what do you like to do for fun?

I am an avid nature lover and an eccentric go getter. I enjoy drawing and creating new things. I thrive off the happiness of others.

How long have you been streaming for?

Maybe 6-7 months now. I started a yr ago but stopped cause I didn't know what I wanted to stream about at first.

You are a Tarot card reader, and you do it on your live, how long have you been doing that, and what was your most interesting experience, if you can let us know, thus far?

I have delved into Tarot readings for 10-15 yrs now. Started very young.

Most interesting experience??

Oh man I was doing a live stream and a lovely girl asked for a reading. So I did it. Pulled out two kings and a night. She was afraid of it so she asked for another. So I did. Pulled out the same 3 cards. So I thought I didn't shuffle well enough. Soi decided to do another. Pulled out the same 3 cards again. So we both decided to do another but with a completely different deck. Pulled out the two kings and the 3rd card was practically saying its destiny stop trying to change it lol.

What are your Meet Me goals?

I want to be a top streamer who focuses on helping others through free readings.

What are your goals in real life (off this app)?

I want to build my own spiritual studio.

Have you met anyone off the app? How was that experience?

Not on this app no.

Do you have any tips for new and struggling streams that might have a hard time making their goal?

Live hop! Go to other peoples streams. Engage with them. Part take in their lives and make friends. It's not all about your own stream. Convert some gifts and gift back. Show love and appreciation.

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Name: Meet Me - Rose

Meet Me Name: Meet Me - Rose

Meet Me Favorite Link:

Unique ID: 4YAKFE02

Website URL:

Who is rose, and what makes you the person you are today?

I would have to say that everything I have been through, whether it's bad or good has made me who I am. I was raised by some amazing parents & grandparents that have taught me some important values. But I'm also thankful for the trials & obstacles that have made me stronger. Being a mom has got to be a huge part of what made me who I am also.

How has streaming been for you, how has the experience been so far?

Streaming has been such a blast. I am so thankful for all the amazing people I have met & all the love, kindness, & support they have showed me.

Have you met anyone off the app? What was that like for you?

Yes. I have met a couple people. There are some amazing people out there but there are also some times where I feel like I could have been a little more cautious.

What do you like to do for fun, what are your hobbies?

I am a very easy going person who loves to try most anything once. I do love sports. I have played softball my whole life and it's always been one of my passions. You can also catch me singing on my live as that's one of my most favorite things.

Have you ever streamed on any other platforms?

I have not. This is my first time and so far it's been great.

Where do you see yourself in 10 years?

I see myself living the typical American dream. With an amazing family, a beautiful house, and amazing career .. surrounded by amazing people.

Is there anything else you would like to mention that I may have forgot?

I just wanna give a quick shout out again to those who have shown me so much kindness and who have supported me in this journey. Especially all the other streamers and my amazing "fans".

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