Search Interviews

Name: Amanda Hugnkiss

Meet Me Name: Amanda Hugnkiss

Meet Me Favorite Link:

Unique ID: 9WSR3ZMN

How long have you been drawing for?

I have been drawing since the 4th grade and improving ever since

What was your favorite piece to draw?

One of my favorites was my sword art online drawing of kirito and asuna.

What other talents do you have besides drawing?

I also sing and do sign language i also do bead art.

Do you go live? If so what are your streams like? 

Yes it depends on who is in my streams. if i have people engaging with me then i go off of the conversation while i draw.,

What are your hobbies outside of Meet Me, what do you like to do for fun?

I spend most of my time with my boyfriend and focus on my art.

What groups do you support on Meet Me?

I support Santa Deadpool and Kerri spiritual.

What are your goals in 10 years in real life, and where do you see yourself on Meet Me in 10 years?

I see myself starting my business for my art or at least already started. i dont know how long ill stay on meet me.

Do you have any tips for artists beginning to draw that might be struggling?

Start with something simple. if you are having issues with something specific practice drawing it.


Is there anything else that I might have missed?

Nope to follow my art on instagram go to teafoes_art_corner

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