Search Interviews

Name: Meet Me - Joey - UK

Meet Me Name: Meet Me - Joey - UK

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Joey, Thank you for taking the time to fill out these questions, I hope that you find them useful to you, and that your viewers find it useful for them to get to know you better.
Who is Joey, and what makes you the person you are today?
Hi there! I’m 31 years old and from London, England. I share a house with a good friend that I grew up with, along with 2 dogs (Harley who is a German shepherd and Billy who is a Yorkshire terrier) I love spending time with friends and seeing all the latest movies at the cinema, I am a massive Marvel geek!! I’m originally from a place called Bristol, but made the massive step of moving to London 10 years ago, where I followed my dreams of being a restaurant owner - it was a real scary movie being only 21 and packing up and going on my own - but I truly believe you need to take risks to achieve big dreams!!

I Had a very difficult childhood, I had stages where I literally would have nothing but the clothes on my back....this really makes me appreciate and thankful for everything I have, and has shaped me into being a humble, and appreciative person today

What are your hobbies, what do you like to do for fun?
When I have time lol - I love going to other restaurants and trying foods I have never tried before.

I also like to play badminton and learning about different cultures around the world

How long have you been streaming for?
I first started streaming on the 21st December (my birthday!) although I had been a viewer on streams for a month prior.

I didn’t have the confidence to stream at first. I remember when I first tried, a viewer came in and said “Hi Joey!” I literally freaked out and ended my broadcast ha-ha!!
But eventually I grew in confidence and became addicted to streaming! I really do enjoy it!

What are your Meet Me goals?
I live setting goals and reaching them (more so for self achievement) I am very competitive and like to succeed.

My latest goal is 3,000,000 and 5k favs!

Have you streamed on any other platform?
Previously to meet me, never. The closest I came to streaming was face time with my friends! Ha-ha

Have you met anyone off the app? How was that experience?
I’ve met 2 people off the app, and it was a completely surreal experience - I felt like I had known them for years!

It was scary at first with the buildup but the meet just flowed so naturally!
I would just advise to anyone thinking of meeting someone from social media, to really get to know the person and build that relationship - also to ensure you let someone know who your meeting and where you’ll be. Personal safety is very important

Do you have any tips for new and struggling streams that might have a hard time making their goal?
I would advise any new streamer to just be yourself, and always stay true to who you are.

Your viewers will love the fact that you are you, and they really get to know you as a person.

Engage with your viewers, ask them how they are and really treat every viewer as an individual.

I have never been a streamer to ask viewers to help with goals; they will help you naturally through time.

Patience is a virtue.

Is there anything else you would like to mention that I may have missed?
Just a fun fact really - I got to the final interview stages to become a contestant on the UK Big brother show 6 years ago! I got to the final 20 before the live shows....unfortunately I didn't make it onto the show (I think I was too big of a personality for them! Ha-ha)

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