Search Interviews

Name: Meet Me - Kirsten Long

Unique ID: W6U46KZL
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Who is Kirsten and what makes you the person you are today?

A pint-sized singer-songwriter and educator (quite the contrary from the surname) from a country of SouthEast Asia called Malaysia. The fascinating journey of the endless pursuit of self discovery, improvement, growth, education and happiness makes yours truly present and ready for the world.

What are your hobbies, what do you like to do for fun?

Apart from music, I’m a huge fan of board games and snuggling up with a good read is always nice. I love food! Absolutely enjoy watching and reading up on the culture of food all around the world and trying them out in my own kitchen. Next up on my hobby list is to try painting!

You are a singer, you have performed on Hoops got talent, how was that experience for you, and would you do it again?

Correct, I’m also a multi-instrumentalist, vocal coach and music educator for the past 10 years. Performing on Hoop’s Meetme Got Talent Season 6 show was an interesting experience, playing for a different demographic, and wider audience around the globe. All thanks to Ian Steven for pulling me into this. It was very humbling to see how music truly transcends all cultures. Would I do it again? I guess you will have to wait and see.

You live in Malaysia, most people who stream are from the United States, has this been a challenge for you? What have been your obstacles with streaming?

There is actually a big community of streamers here in SouthEast Asia, spread out on differing streaming platforms. But it has been really refreshing to reach out to people from the other parts of the world. I guess the biggest obstacle would be the time difference and consistency.

I know that you are new, what kind of themes are your streams, what attracts your viewers to your stream?

Music. I play and sing to entertain my viewers. Coupled with the occasional open music discussions to engage and encourage people to share and talk about music they love.

What are your goals for streaming? What do you hope to accomplish?

All and all, the goal is to be able to meet new people of different walks of life, especially the people of the music and art scene. A big shout out to these lovely people I met in my short time of streaming, Ian Steven, RemyK, Kenny Lee Young and Steve T.

Where have you sang before, do you perform at shows or venues?

Over the past 6 years, I have been touring around Malaysia in established events/venues such as the Butterworth Fringe Festival, No Black Tie, Medini Live, Publika’s MAP FEST, MPO Unplugged (Dewan Filharmonik at Kuala Lumpur City Centre) and the Taipa Houses-Museum in Macau. I’m also a huge advocate for the local independent music scene, please do check out Merdekarya and Open Mic Malaysia, the 2 establishments in Malaysia that gave birth to my music career.

Who are your influences when it comes to music, and who are your influences when it comes to your life?

I’m quite the mismash, mixpot of different genres. I grew up being classically trained on the piano, dad played a lot of classic hard rock stuff, with a nice mix of folk numbers and a lot of standard jazz and brazilian jazz tunes from the 40s-60s. Just to name a few artists and bands to describe my world: Pat Benatar, Tracy Chapman, Steely Dan, Metallica, ACDC, The Beatles, Ella Fitzgerald, Nina Simone, John Coltrane, Miles Davis, Hall and Oates, Michael Jackson, Bishop Briggs, Jack Garratt, Tom Jobim, Beth Hart, Billie Eilish and many more.

In life, my parents are my biggest influence and support system. My younger brother, who is also a budding musician, and my friends. These are the people that I love with all my heart and are the ones that keep me going and doing what I do.

What kind of music do you perform, and what platforms do you stream on?

Urban folk jazz. An eclectic mix of pop, folk, jazz with an occasional sprinkle of rock. I am not one for labels and would rather have my listeners to gauge and describe my music themselves. I currently have original music out on all major music streaming platforms such as, Spotify, YouTube, Apple Music, Soundcloud etc.

If someone would like to start singing, what kind of tips would you give them if they feel like giving up?

Don’t give up. If you feel strongly about wanting to give it a go, do it. Resources are very much readily available at your fingertips if you only take the trouble to reach out and do your research. Go out there, talk to people, take lessons, attend workshops, put up your work, collaborate with others and in turn show support to others in the scene too. There is so much beauty in this form of art, so much to give ourselves as well as to give back to others. Music will never die. Music is what keeps a lot of us alive. So yes, there are a lot of prospects in this field despite its challenges. So bring it on. Much love to all music lovers! You’re not alone.

Is there anything you would like to mention to people that might be struggling singing?

The most common issue that people face when singing, is not being in tune. This also happens to the best in the business. But this can be developed via the development of being able to discern and compare sounds followed by the practice of the different delivery methods to execute them. Thus, listening is a big part of this process and progress. Do not be shy to ask for help and most importantly, enjoy the journey.



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