Search Interviews


Name: Brianna Ashley Watson

Meet Me Name: ???Brianna??? Watson

Meet Me Favorite Link: PapiStark (Dont have a link, sorry)

Unique ID: JIAQ7TP5

Website URL:

Who is Brianna, and what makes you the person you are today?

I have been through too many heartbreaks, heartaches, break ups and rejections. Yet, I still keep going on. The tattoos that I have each have a meaning behind them. My Slytherin tattoo means everything to me. My LOVE Jack Skellington tattoo was the signal of the end of my relationship with my ex boyfriend. Lady from Lady and the Tramp is the reason I had continued through the pain of an ex crush (that manipulated me). If she can forgive Tramp for his mistakes, maybe my future boy/girlfriend can, too. My upcoming new tattoo, the Spiderman: Homecoming spider drone logo, will be the signal of an end of two decent friendships I had, but one chose another girl (I blew up at him, apologized and wouldn't add me as a friend) and the other trusted his ex girlfriend (after I warned him about what she would do to him all because he loved her, but I loved him and he called me negative and petty and basically said he's too old to date me). I had been fortunate enough to fall for someone who had gently let me down

So, yeah. Been through too much to give up now. I'm 23 years old, almost 24, and still have a full life to live.

What are your hobbies, what do you like to do for fun outside the app?

Watch YouTube videos, read books and just be around my mom. It's either her, who has good jokes, or my dad, who is a male version of a Karen and greedy.

What are your goals of streaming, and what are your goals of real life?

I was streaming in hopes of playing games with people. Until I realized that they didn't want to play games with me so I just stream to vent about my day and such.

My goals in real life are just live each day to its fullest and make every moment count. Even if it means hurting myself in the process for loving the wrong kind of people. Yet, I choose to see the best in everyone.

What are your streams like, what attracts people to your stream?

My streams are just me chatting about books, movies, tv shows, YouTubers or my life in general. And I think my baby face and child-like voice attracts dudes 40+ years old. Probably for a very specific reason. ?

If you would change one thing about Meet Me, what would it be?

The prices of the credits. Or to have like a spotlight for small streamers trying to make it in the world.

Is there anything else you would like to mention that I might have missed?

I have a hidden talent. Check out my stream and ask about it. I'll gladly show you. Oh! And I love to eat food in my streams, too. Also, I may stop streaming.

Share Social Media (If any):
Instagram: bri_a_watson96