Search Interviews

Questions by:
Edited by: Tammy Swagerty (Ducking Viking Queen)

Name: Jeremy

Meet Me Name: Jeremy
Meet Me Favorite Link:


Thank you, Jeremy, for taking the time to interview. I hope that this interview helps you gain viewers, and gets you recognized more then what you already have now.

How long have you been streaming for and what applications have you used in the past for streaming?

I've been streaming since January. I haven't really used any but I'm going to start using anything and everything.

Have you met anyone on meet me and how did it go? Were you nervous when you met people?

I haven't met anyone on meet me in person. But I would like to meet a couple of people.

What do you like to do for fun besides streaming, and how has streaming impact your life?

I like going out and having fun with my family and friends. Streaming has kind of impacted my life. You know if one of my streamers are feeling down, it kind of has me down too.

What are your future goals of streaming on MeetMe?

I would like to be a top badge someday. I want to prove the people that I can do this even though I have a disability.

What have been some struggles with Meet Me that you have had, program wise, and other?

One of the most struggles I've had on MeetMe is trying to get my views up hopefully soon I can change that

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